Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nite Cap Vs NightCalm Sleep Aide

Side effects of not getting enough sleep

Ø  Not sleeping can result in creation of insomnia

Ø  Mild depression

Ø  Increased anxiety levels

Ø  Become more susceptible to stress

Ø  Increased of frequency and intensity of migraines / headaches

Ø  Reduced concentration levels

Ø  Increased levels of aggression

Ø  Appetite increases, particularly for sugary / fatty foods

Ø  Reduced interest in sex, and overall reduced sexual activity

Ø  Reduced ability to form memories

Ø  Recovery from injury and exercise slows down

Sleep conditions NightCalm can help with:

Ø  Imsomnia: In ability to fall asleep

Ø  Sleep deprivation: The side effects you suffer from lack of sleep (see above)

Ø  Sleep debt: Long term suffering of side effects due to

Ø  Restless leg syndrome: Irritation of the legs due to lack of movement (a secondary ingredient in NightCalm, Folic Acid,  can help with this)  TRY IT HERE

Sleep conditions Night Cap - Liquid GABA can help you with:

Lose Weight While You Sleep! Experience Night Cap - the Weight loss Diet Cocktail manufactured by Pure Chemistry. Night Cap tastes so great, just like Fruit Punch!  Most people are aware of Gamma Aminobutyric Acid.  GABA is widely considered the safest and most effective product in the weight loss market.  You have seen GABA on television talk shows and have heard it on radio shows, often called "modern science's answer to the Fountain of Youth."

GABA is an amino acid that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland and encourages it to secrete more Human Growth Hormone (HGH)  HGH is known to provide lipotropic (fat cell oxidation) effects.  It is also known to have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar and can be helpful in sleeping well at night.

GABA signals the pituitary to naturally release Human Growth Hormone (HGH) during sleep, increasing circulating levels 500 percent above normal.  Elevating one's levels of HGH leads to a significant decrease in fat storage, in increased daytime energy, in smoother skin, in more restful sleep and in an increased ability to make muscle lean tissue.

As you advance in age, HGH continues to be made and stored by the brain, but its level of secretion decreases.  The lack of circulating HGH is the factor that scientist now believe is responsible for the difficulty in losing body fat as you get older.  Studies have shown that HGH levels increase over five times the previous levels as soon as 90 minutes following GABA supplementation.

Order At

Benefits of getting more sleep

Ø  Increased energy levels

Ø  Ability to stay awake longer

Ø  Once a sleeping pattern is established, you will acquire a healthy long term sleeping habit

Ø  A more positive mind frame

Ø  Become more proactive

Ø  Feel calmer

Ø  Reduced headaches

Ø  Improved concentration and reaction times

Ø  Reduced appetite / reduced snacking

Ø  Improved sexual appetite

Ø  Better memory recollection

Ø  Faster recovery from exercise and injury

Saturday, October 30, 2010

TamPogo AtomiCash New Way To Monitize Your WebSite / Blog

Are You Ready For TamPogo AtomiCash

Do You Have a Blog? A Website?
Do you publish an Ezine?  How about a newsletter?

Do you have a Facebook or MySpace account?

Need an exciting new way to monitize your site that beats Google Adsense hands down?
Do yourself a favor... take a few minutes and discover TamPogo AtomiCash

July 1, 2010 was an exciting night.  TamPogo CEO, Chuck Stebbins revealed the secret he had been promising TamPogo iReps for months...  the launch of a brand new system to leverage the power of the Internet...  TamPogo AtomiCash. 
Here's the official TamPogo AtomiCash Press Release...
AtomiCash is the ultimate innovation in Internet marketing as it leverages the entire traffic base of internet users. There is a HUGE, ABSOLUTE MONSTEROUS AND GROWING group of individuals on the Internet who are striving to add income from their blogging, organized business related (social) networking, etc. In a perfect world, as an iRep you could reach out and enroll the blogger in TamPogo and in turn the blogger would attach TamPogo links and a proportion of the readers would join. Unfortunately, the world isn’t perfect. That just isn’t going to happen. But here is what can happen.

Currently, almost 100% of a bloggers online income comes from the pennies supplied per click by Google as part of their Ad Sense program. The pennies add up, but not fast enough. AtomiCash provides “simple shopping apps” and short “daily informational apps” that bloggers can use to easily attach to their sites facilitating the direct buying of a variety of products and services or opt in to daily informational feeds that can trigger future buys.

Once a person becomes a customer or opt-in user of AtomiCash, the individual “belongs” to the blogger (or Facebook user, etc.) for life and earns a full 20% payment based on the retail pricing for all activity by that person. For setting up the blog site, the TamPogo iRep earns a full 20% forever on all activity and the iRep’s upline earns an additional 10% of the retail for that person, forever.

AtomiCash also opens up a preselected keyword search box which allows shoppers or readers access to related products and services via click. As a major venture partner of a leading search engine, AtomiCash receives up to 60% of the actual search charges which can range from $1.00 to $3.00 per click for nutrition searches up to over $20-$35 dollars per insurance click, etc. As indicated above, 20% of the total search income received is dispersed to the blog site, 20% to the iRep and 10% to the upline. The monetary windfall from search monies is limitless.

The AtomiCash app will also migrate to cell phones allowing access to the local search market for goods and services and will allow all AtomiCash users to be registered for discounts in their local and national markets. The merchant provider will also pay a marketing or facility fee to AtomiCash for their customer activity allowing the cash disbursements listed above to be made.

Imagine the cash flow due an iRep who is able to set up a popular celebrity site, for example, that would have millions of followers who could benefit from AtomiCash. A singer, through their blog, Internet site, Facebook page or Tweets could earn money from their visitors eating a hamburger at a national chain, when buying a book on line, when getting an insurance policy, from searching goods and services on the Internet, eventually, by doing virtually everything.

If you are interested in spreading the AtomiCash message and benefiting from this incredible new marketing wave, you simply sign up on the form that will be available beginning on our anniversary July 4th. Participation is, of course, FREE.
Chuck Stebbins
TamPogo CEO

Listen to the July 1 TamPogo iRep call as
CEO Chuck Stebbins shares the exciting news...
(Click the link above to listen to or download the call MP3)
"OK, I'm interested...
what do I do next?"
Take action NOW !  Sign-ups have begun.  As soon as we reach the required number of iReps, AtomiCash will launch and change the face of the Internet.

In order join AtomiCash as a launch partner, you must first join
TamPogo as an iRep.  Don't worry... it's FREE !
Here's the link to get started...
Next, contact me ASAP so that I can walk you through the back office to sign up for TamPogo AtomiCash...  here's my contact information:


Remember - You MUST TAKE ACTION Immediately!
Time is running out - Do It NOW!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cacao Wow is selling off the shelves.

Time to get busy!

I am so happy that we have entered the second half of the TamPogo month.  Time to get busy!

Did You Know?

Cacao Wow is selling off the shelves and the response has been beyond incredible.  Testimonials have been flooding in regarding mood improvement, appetite suppression and increased energy – in that order!  We doubled our manufacturing output yesterday just to keep up with the initial demand and from the looks of things we may have to triple it by next week.

Pure Chemistry reports similar excitement regarding Cacao Wow from both its new wholesale initiative and the samples that were sent out to chain buyers.  Cacao Wow is off the hook!  Start telling the Cacao Wow story – NOW!

Similar if not even greater excitement is growing with the MD line of Diabetic and Metabolic Disorder products.  This is a direct result of people hearing from actual patients placed on these products and their fantastic success in getting off medicines and beating their disease states.
Truthfully, that should not be a surprise to well informed people because, many times, medicines simply combat the symptoms of chronic disease and do nothing to change the root cause of the disease state.  Almost always the root cause is found in physiology and when you deal with the foundational issue, incredible improvement can result.

The products found in Pure Chemistry’s MD line actually function to remake and improve the biochemistry of the cell membranes – the root of diabetes and metabolic disorder.  Dr. John Young’s experience has been that 80 percent of patients on diabetes medications including insulin are able to get off their meds with no further problems within 2-3 months of beginning supplementation with the proper natural, foundational supplement products.  That seems too incredible to be true until you hear patient after patient telling their actual stories.  Then you get a sense of the power of these products and this approach.  You can listen to the weekly diabetes and metabolic disorder call hosted by Steve Harrington and Dave Shindler for more information on Tuesday at 9:00 pm EST at 760-569-7676 access code 167590# (or listen to the recorded call at 760-569-7699 access code 167590#).  

If you want to hear more from Dr. Young himself, listen for him on the Diabetic and Health Call, on our TamPogo calls, join him on his weekly XM Radio Show (Wednesday 4:00 PM EST on XM Channel 174) or read his book on remaking the cell membrane which is about to be released into nationwide distribution.  Based on his clinical success and these great MD products, he has actually been offered the lead in a new national television show that is similar to Dr. Oz, only keeping it more real to actual illnesses. 

Still think there is nothing to these incredible products?  Then consider this, the protocol behind remaking the cell membrane with these MD are under final review to be part of the accredited continuing education training options that all licensed physicians must complete (25 total hours) yearly.

Now are you ready for the best news.  These products are going to be available early next week for shipping.  That’s right – the products will be in the warehouse and moving out into your hands for actual use!

Specifically, in the next short time expect to see the following products placed in the store:
7.35 Acid Base Drops
n3 Omega
Factor 1 Blood Sugar Control 

The products will be available individually, in packages, in President Circle packages and in Tango packages.  Get more info goto

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Protected Your Skin With Botanical Buffet Total Skin Health

Botanical Buffet Total Skin Health:
The Botanical Buffet Skin Care line is a prebiotic, organic, pH balanced, environmentally friendly product. The ingredients in every Pure Chemistry™ product works to balance the pH of the skin and acts as emollients for the skin. Each product works in a positive manner with the body’s bio-system to deep clean the skin and to aid in skin restoration by including natural healing agents which expedite the recovery and repair of the skin from blemishes, scars and wounds.
Retail Status:
These products are currently available on mall carts, in the Pure Chemistry online store, as well as on the TamPogo website.
This is a great product for the whole family. Botanical Buffet Skin Care line is organic, pH balanced, environmentally friendly product.

  • Luminous Body Wash
  • Radiant Facial Cleanser
  • Vibrant Skin Remedy
  • Nubia Collection Luminous Body Wash
  • Nubia Collection Radiant Facial Cleanser
  • Nubia Collection Vibrant Skin Remedy
  • Moisturizing Derma Repair
  • Baby Botanical Buffet Gentle Baby Wash
  • Baby Botanical Buffet Diaper Rash Mist
 Need More Info On This Product

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have You Heard About CACAO WOW?

CACAO WOW ™ Super Anti-Oxidant Diet Tablets by Pure Chemistry (TM)
Pure Chemistry's (TM) newest product Cacao Wow ™ is based in part on a super anti-oxidant cacao, Jet Black Cacao, which is blended with specially prepared plant extracts of Irvingia Gabonesis and Geranium Flower.

CACAO WOW ™ provides exceptional anti-oxidant and health benefits, blood sugar stabilization, incredible mood elevating effects, feelings of sustained energy and powerful appetite suppressing properties.

In order to understand why CACAO WOW ™ is such a powerful new diet product, a fuller understanding of each of the ingredients is needed.

Jet Black Cocoa is the strongest form of naturally occurring Cacao.  Cacao, the true ingredient of chocolate, is a super food by every definition of the term.  Food chemists have isolated over 325 individual compounds in cacao, including all of the critical vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.

Many of the compounds found in cacao, such as anandamide, phenylethylamine and theobromine, have been associated with supporting alertness, happy, healthy moods and extended physical and mental energy.
Cacao also contains many different polyphenols; the heart healthy antioxidants.

In fact, cacao has an incredibly high anti-oxidant power score (ORAC) of 95,500 which is 14 times the power of red wine and 21 times the power of green tea. Further, cacao has a multitude of naturally occurring flavenoids/flavenols (i.e. catechins) which have been shown to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, to improve insulin resistance, to increase cardiac function and heart health and to act as a natural anti-inflammatory, among many other positive effects.

But when it comes to being a diet super food,CACAO WOW actually is a super triple threat. First, like other methylxanthine (i.e theobromine) containing products, CACAO WOW is truly thermogenic; that is, it actually promotes the extra burning of calories to produce heat.

Second, cacao inhibits the enzyme that breaks down cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP), thus increasing availability of this high-energy compound that acts on receptors in fat and in muscle cells.

This is one of the primary mechanisms by which cacao supports an increase in metabolic rate and the stimulation of fat breakdown (lipolysis). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, due to the presence of many of its unusual constituent compounds, cacao actually acts as a very strong appetite suppressant, perhaps, the strongest known in nature.

Irvingia Gabonesis is referred to in the plant kingdom as many things including Wild Mango.  Supplemented Irvingia Gabonesis reduces naturally occurring C-reactive protein in the body which in turn has a profound effect on leptin, causing profound appetite suppression and resulting weight loss.

Geranium Flower Extract increases energy and helps support weight loss. Geranium uplifts mood and also helps to calm anxiety and nervous tension brought on by stress. Chromium Polynicotinate is the most bioactive form of nutritional chromium available.

Chromium Polynicotinate helps to stabilize blood sugar levels by binding insulin to the cell membrane receptor sites and appears to be directly involved in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.

Now I know why it's called CACAO WOW.

See More Here At

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Did you buy Microsoft stock way back in 1980?

I joined Tampogo knowing that every purchase I have made has helped feed a starving children some where in the world. That alone makes my cause great.

So join my team and lets:
  1. Save Money...
  2. Make Money...
  3. Make a Difference...
That is TamPogo!

TamPogo is NOT going to be just "an online shopping site" it is going to be the only site to integrate online and offline purchases allowing iReps to earn an income from them BOTH.

Remember lots of people did not buy Microsoft stock way back in 1980 either. I for one will NOT make that mistake and I am not going to feel sorry for anyone who comes up to me next year and says "Why didnt you tell me about TamPogo" Because I will be able to look everyone in the face and calmly say I  DID.

"Bill Gates replied"

When asked how he became the world?s richest man, Bill Gates replied, ?First, I was in the right place at the right time. Second, I saw the vision. Third, and most important, I took action .? You are definitely in the right place at the right time. You can envision success. The only remaining question is whether you will take action!  

About TamPogo:
TamPogo was co-founded by Chuck Stebbins and Isaac McLemore. Chuck has sold over $1.5 billion in products over the internet. He was also involved in launching MySpace which grew to 30 million users in 14 months.

Make a Difference!
TamPogo has fundraising opportunities for non profits and they donate enough money to feed a starving child somewhere in the world for an entire week from each purchase made. You can help TamPogo eradicate world hunger!

Tampogo is Free to join, with incredible value.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tampogo & Feed My Starving Children Work Together...

   As Seen On Fox News:

        Tampa florida base company open for business on July 20th 2009, TamPogo iReps have donated 673,830 meals to starving children around the world. This is just the beginning! Imagine how many lives we can save every day by sharing the TamPogo story.
        Starvation is a problem we simply cannot ignore. Imagine a world in which you help end hunger, poverty and hopelessness. It is possible and TamPogo is dedicated to make this dream a reality. We have committed a percentage of every purchase to feed a starving child for one week. That’s right! EVERY purchase you make at TamPogo feeds a staving child somewhere in the world for one week. You can be part of the solution by providing hope and nutrition for a hurting child.
             From our inception, making a profound effect on the world has been a bedrock principle for TamPogo. Our beneficiary is Feed My Starving Children, a Christian organization that has a passion and a plan for eradicating starvation. They have designed a food and vitamin product that provides all of the essential nutritional support for undernourished children in second and third world countries around the world. The food is packaged by volunteers and shipped to volunteer run distribution sites around the world. Last year alone, this organization provided meals for over 73 million children. Every item you purchase on TamPogo, feeds a starving child somewhere in the world for one week. Let’s change the world together!

Fox News Tampa Bay  gave a very positive report on Oct. 2, 2009.
Watch Video Here

        visit us at:
        Malendaz Coleman
        independent I Rep
        for TamPoGo

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Night Cap Combo (Presidents Circle Package)

Item #: NSV00277
Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Night Cap Combo (Presidents Circle Package)
Liquids for life! Stay energized throughout the day with a serving of Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals and sleep like a baby while losing weight with Pure Chemistry's Night Cap.
Suggested Price: $122.95
Tampogo Price: $67.95
: $7 will be added to the President's Circle Pool every time this Combo is purchased Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals is unlike any other product. This product contains no sugar or caffeine so it's good for diabetics. It's great for anyone from kids to seniors. This is a great tasting product that is designed to give you more energy, stamina, focus, and memory. It protects against free radical damage, promotes healthy blood sugar levels and skin, and strengthens the immune system. This product contains 135 ingredients including, Acai, Noni, Goji, and Mangosteen. Just one ounce of Passion 4 Life Liquid Vitamins and Minerals makes a significant and positive difference in brain function within 15 minutes of ingesting. One ounce a day is all you need to start living a healthier and happier life. 

Night Cap: Most people are aware of Gamma Aminobutyric Acid. GABA is widely considered the safest and most effective product in the weight loss market. You have seen GABA on television talk shows and have heard it on radio shows, often called "modern science's answer to the Fountain of Youth. JOIN FREE

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

11 Reasons You Should Join Tampogo | Tango

11 Reasons Why You Should Try Tampogo | Tango Opportunity?

  1. Free to join
  2. Free training
  3. Free website with back office
  4. No inventory required
  5. Great customer support
  6. Company helps feed starving children
  7. Weekly pay / monthly residuals / bonus pools
  8. Debt free company
  9. Great leadership
  10. Flexible home-based business
  11. Unlimited earning potential – sell and share the opportunity
    with those you recruit and mentor for greater financial rewards.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chuck Stebbins, Tampogo, Tango | Pure Chemistry Products,

New Business Launched by MySpace Founder - Chuck Stebbins!

NO sign-up fees
NO membership or website fees
NO overpriced products
HUGE profit-sharing opportunities

chuck stebbins

boost ur school

pure chemistry botanical buffet

tampogo news


tampogo church fundraiser

chuck stebbins tampogo

tampogo opportunity

tampogo testimonials

Earn money, while helping to feed kids.  It’s a simple plan, created to help us all prosper during these stressful economic times.  Visit and watch the 3 movies and  then sign up using referral  ID#  NP30454 You must be referred to get in now.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chuck Stebbins Tampogo Tango Mind Blowing New Program


I'm giving you heads up on something that will be a house hold name. This new program launches on Monday. This opportunity is for you to get your position in the company before the flood gates are open. The new program is called tampogo tango. its a 2x2 follow me matrix wit no breakage.

Listen to the July 8, 2010 TamPogo Corporate Call.

Join Free===>>

For the most part i am on one of the largest tampogo team. We are predicting massive spill over may take place... I am under a large group of heavy hitters in the company. Once you find out who's behind all this it will blow your mind.. If you must know right now take a quick look below.

key points on who's behind this company:

  1. Ceo is a bio chemist.
  2. Ceo has formulated over 8,000 products.
  3. Ceo was one of the first people on the Internet with a online shopping cart.
  4. Ceo was the Co Founder of my Space.
  5. Ceo is the creator of ProActive skin care product.
  6. Ceo has sold over TWO BILLION dollars worth of health products.
  7. Ceo is behind the success of InterMix (Alena & My Space) that sold to NewsCorp for $650M.

If that's not enough to make you think, well maybe malendaz is on to something. I don't know what to tell you. This company has the potential to be a GIANT in the network marketing world. Who else has a 2x2 force matrix with real products. Not some tired ebooks that had been tossed around the internet like dirty laundry.

Let's Take a Look A The Money
"$how Me the Money"

Here's how it works. YOU make a ONE-TIME OUT OF POCKET purchase of one of the dozens of TamPogo Tango Product Packages for $299 and receive a position in your own Tango Bonus Cube. 

When all 6 positions in your Bonus Cube are filled you will receive a commission of $899.  $600 will be paid in CASH and you will receive another $299 Tango Product Package of your choice. ( worth $350-$400 )

You are then placed at the TOP of your second Tango Bonus Cube and the process starts all over again.

Every time you completely fill your 6 positions and earn $899 you will automatically get assigned a brand new Tampogo Tango Bonus Cube.

Sample Tampogo Tango Commission Cycle Chart

Commission Cycle
Paid in Cash  Tango Product Package
( worth $350-$400 )
  1.    $899.00  $600.00  $299.00
  2. $1,980.00 $1,200 $598.00
  3. $2,797.00 $1,800 $897.00
  4. $3,596.00 $2,400 $1,196
  5. $4,495.00 $3,000 $1,495

Note: You should also know that
$50 volume is also paid to the 8x8 Uni level Plan, when each cube is filled. WoW!!!!!!!!!!! $50.00 x 5 $250.00 monthly residual income.
You Could Cycle Per hour or per day. It does not matter when it happens.

What if i told you that you could share in profit from brick and mortar stores around the country.

Here is just a quick sample of one of many profit sharing programs we have at tampogo like
President's Circle Bonus

President's Circle Bonus
(10% of all President's Circle Products sold in TamPogo and in retail stores)

You should  join for free and see why so many people are so excited with what we have in front of us.... Here is a brief description of what is going on with this company Please Review ===>>>

P.S. I have people in my group that are quitting their jobs... One of them said that what he makes with this new business in a week is what he made all year with his currant job...   

Let's chat soon.

Malendaz Coleman
Online Business and Marketing Coach
Ph: (941) 628-3891
Skype: malendaz


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Pure Chemistry MD Product Line Is Here

The Pure Chemistry MD Products  have been placed into product packages and made available for purchase through the new Tango Program.  In the future, as the MD Products begin arriving into the warehouse, we will be making the individual MD products available for purchase as Fast Track items through the TamPogo iRep store.  The MD line will also be included in packages at a discount and in President's Circle Packages.

We believe that the MD line is represents a new age in advanced nutritional supplementation.
Located below are a list of the product names and a brief synopsis of each.  Hopefully, this will help you make more informed choices when it comes to ordering your Tango packages which are selling at an inspired rate.  Virtually every top leader has joined the program with a majority of their teams.  The entire network is abuzz with the excitement that this program offers.  And a lot of serious builders from the outside are signing up so that they get initial placement before beginning to drop in their teams.

TamPogo is growing faster than ever and we are proud to announce a new evolution in nutritional supplement products:  The Pure Chemistry MD Product Line!

7.35 Acid Base Balance:  The goal of this product is to help everyone achieve the ideal, health promoting blood pH level:  7.35.  Simply add these convenient drops to any beverage once or twice daily to receive the benefits from optimal blood pH.  Optimal pH results in optimal metabolic functioning and lack of fatigue.

Thyro-dine:  Iodine is critical to maintain optimal pH levels in the body as well as to support the proper functioning of the thyroid which many consider the master gland in the body.

Factor One Blood Sugar Control:  This product helps normalize blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of the pancreas.  Used in conjunction with 7.35 Acid Base Balance and Polypept-Ice, this product represents a substantial step forward in naturally combating metabolic syndrome.

Cinne-Stat:  This product is a less expensive, natural blood sugar control product useful for those who want to normalize high blood sugar levels.

Thyro-Medica:  This is a natural herbal product intended to support the efficient operation of the thyroid.  This is the most powerful non prescription thyroid aid and will be useful for a variety of people including but not limited to those interested in improving energy levels and losing weight.

Dia Splash:  A completely natural, totally organic, prebiotic body wash that cleans and moisturizes the skin and helps improve the health of diabetic challenged skin.

Dia Repair:  A completely natural, totally organic prebiotic product that increases 60x, the enzymatic activity of beneficial microorganisms on the skin.  Dia Repair should be used twice daily on all sores and ulcers that occur on skin surfaces.

Cell Doctor:  This combination of pharmaceutical grade Glutathione and Sodium Oxide Dismutase improves cell function and reduces the negative effects of free radicals at the cell level.  Using Cell Doctor helps in minimizing oxidative stress and inflammation which leads to illness and disease.

Vitamin D-3 Life Spray:  Vitamin D-3 is the most physiologically active form of nutritional Vitamin D and is the most “prescribed” nutritional product by physicians nationwide.  Vitamin D-3 improves immune system response, improves cardiovascular function and helps to supports bone strength as well as many other important health functions.

n-3 Omega:  n-3 Omega is a perfectly balanced blend of the two most important oils that can be consumed by the individual:  flax seed oil and cod liver oil.  Supplying a number of important nutrients, these organic oils improve virtually every system of the entire body, most notably the heart and the immune system.

Bioactivation Blend:  Bioactivation Blend is powerful blend of a variety of important enzymes that create optimal nutrient utilization from regular meals and nutritional supplementation.  Bioactivation Blend also improves systemic activity responsible for critical health promoting aspects of organs such as kidneys, liver, etc. and helps maintain more alkaline blood levels.

Night Cap MD:  Night Cap MD Clear Blend is a completely natural liquid GABA product that will promote deep, restful sleep, weight loss and anti-aging.  This all natural formula is sweetened by natural stevia.

Liposize:  LipoSize is a product that assists in fat loss through one of the few clinically proven natural ingredients, Green Tea Extract and through natural plant fiber called Glucomannan.  Used in conjunction with Night Cap and Thyro-Medica, LipoSize will help trim the waist line without undue stress from forced calorie restriction.

Vigorous Life:  Vigorous Life is a product that will help energize a person without the physiological stress caused by stimulants such as caffeine.  Vigorous Life is totally safe, natural, gentle yet effective boost to energy.  Based on the principles of increased cellular oxygenation, Vigorous life represents an excellent long lasting energy aid.

Polypept-Ice:  Polypept-Ice is a cold processed polypeptide whey protein.  This is a highly non-denatured whey product whose bioavailability is assured through a processing temperature of 130 degrees or less.   The polypeptides available through cold processed whey are critical for proper organ functioning as well as proper food fueling.  Polypept-Ice is the literally the best protein available for the money.

Eco-Fiber:   Eco-Fiber represents the new gold standard in fibers.  Fiber is arguably the single most important supplement that anyone could consume.   Oliggio Fiber is a systemic prebiotic that stimulates positive enzymatic activity in internal probiotic microorganism populations and delivers the positive benefits of fiber in one highly beneficial nutrient rich powder.

Probiosis:  Probiosis is a highly concentrated focused systemic probiotic blend of the most helpful, beneficial health producing microorganisms.  This product is essential for digestive health and will help combat the negative effects of antibiotics while improving immune system function.  This product is best used in conjunction with Eco-Fiber.

Alpha Man:  Alpha Man is the first real male enhancement product that combines highly effective performance improving nutrients along with nitric oxide suppliers that temporarily enhance size during arousal.  Used in conjunction with Vigorous Life, this potent duo represents unparalleled excitement.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It Takes 2 To Tango New Release From Tampogo

Introducing The New TAMPOGO TANGO 2x2 Be First This Time
YOU introduce TWO friends who are placed in Positions 1 & 2. Your two friends then introduce TWO friends each.  Those FOUR people are placed in positions 3, 4, 5 and 6.

This innovative compensation model known as the 2x2 follow-me matrix is one of the BEST mathematical models available to IMMEDIATELY reward a person's networking efforts.  It is the simplest, most duplicatable and one of the most profitable compensation models in the industry.

When backed by real products that can inspire an entire marketplace and when backed with a powerful residual income unilevel compensation plan such as TamPogo, well, its history in the making!

Here's how it works. YOU make a ONE-TIME OUT OF POCKET purchase of one of the dozens of TamPogo Tango Product Packages for $299 and receive a position in your own Tango Bonus Cube.  When all 6 positions in your Bonus Cube are filled you will receive a commission of $899.  $600 will be paid in CASH and you will receive another $299 Tango Product Package of your choice.

When your Tango Bonus Cube is filled, YOU earn $899!

Here's where the EXCITEMENT begins - $600 is paid in CASH and you earn another Tamogo TANGO PRODUCT PACKAGE of your choice worth $350-$400 at no charge, except shipping. How amazing is that?!

You are then placed at the TOP of your second Tango Bonus Cube and the process starts all over again.

Every time you completely fill your 6 positions and earn $899 you will automatically get assigned a brand new Tampogo Tango Bonus Cube.

 In the mean time, here are the actions steps and timeline for you to follow.
1.  Buy a Fast Track product to be active in TamPogo in July.
2.  Pre-register for Tango ASAP by clicking on the new dashboard icon.  Pre-registration has been extended until July 12th at midnight!
3.  Find at least 2 iReps (new or existing) to Tango with you.
4.  Purchase your $299 Tango Product Package between July 13th - 15th. 
5.  Fill your Cube of 6 to make $600 cash and a $299 product package!  Remember, $50 volume is also paid to the 8x8 Unilevel Plan!
6.  Start filling your 2nd Cube.
TangoMaster Bonus:  As an added incentive, if you fill your Cube in the pre-registration phase, TamPogo will take 5% of the Tango product revenue in July and split it among the qualifiers. 
Keep it simple and get started today!  TamPogo + Tango = Financial Success.  

===>>> Join Tampogo For Free Call Me for the details
Launching with in Days No time to snooze

Let's chat soon.

Malendaz Coleman
Online Business and Marketing Coach
Ph: (941) 628-3891
Skype: malendaz

P.S. I Am Here To Help You Succeed... 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Does TamPogo's Fundraising Program for Nonprofits Work

TamPogo's Fundraising Program for Nonprofits...

“FREE-To-JOIN” Fundraising Program for Nonprofits offering
‘easy-to-reach’ and unlimited sources of funding.

Go to the website and Click the
Nonprofit tab.

There's NO COST to join. And there’s NO obligation for the Nonprofit to buy or
PAY for anything! Please use the following information when completing the form…
Referred by TamPogo iRep Malendaz Coleman, ID # NP30454.

TamPogo is an ‘Affiliate Marketing,’ On-line DISCOUNT Buying Club. When supporters
buy high quality products at the discounted prices from the Nonprofit’s “FREE” On-line Website,
the Nonprofit gets $5.00 for every purchase. In today's economy, TamPogo’s “FREE” Fundraising is a ‘no-brainer’ for TREMENDOUS growth. Your organization and supporters can be part of the new

TamPogo “PEOPLE” Financial Stimulus OPPORTUNITY!

‘People HELPING People…!’

P.S. A Fox News video clip on Tampo -

For every $5.00 the Nonprofit receives through TamPogo’s “FREE” Fundraising Program,
A Starving CHILD is FED somewhere in the World through the charity

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