Tampa florida base company open for business on July 20th 2009, TamPogo iReps have donated 673,830 meals to starving children around the world. This is just the beginning! Imagine how many lives we can save every day by sharing the TamPogo story.
Starvation is a problem we simply cannot ignore. Imagine a world in which you help end hunger, poverty and hopelessness. It is possible and TamPogo is dedicated to make this dream a reality. We have committed a percentage of every purchase to feed a starving child for one week. That’s right! EVERY purchase you make at TamPogo feeds a staving child somewhere in the world for one week. You can be part of the solution by providing hope and nutrition for a hurting child.
From our inception, making a profound effect on the world has been a bedrock principle for TamPogo. Our beneficiary is Feed My Starving Children, a Christian organization that has a passion and a plan for eradicating starvation. They have designed a food and vitamin product that provides all of the essential nutritional support for undernourished children in second and third world countries around the world. The food is packaged by volunteers and shipped to volunteer run distribution sites around the world. Last year alone, this organization provided meals for over 73 million children. Every item you purchase on TamPogo, feeds a starving child somewhere in the world for one week. Let’s change the world together!
Fox News Tampa Bay gave a very positive report on Oct. 2, 2009.
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visit us at: http://www.tampogo.com/malendaz
Malendaz Coleman
independent I Rep
for TamPoGo
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